Tuesday 4 November 2014

Course to examine the heritage of Mazarrón

The first part of the course will be held from 3rd to 7th November in the premises of the Cultural Center of Mazarrón

From next week and five days Mazarrón hosts a course that examines the tangible and intangible heritage of the town. It is organized by the Secretary Graduate of Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia in cooperation with the Department of Culture of the City of Mazarrón. This is an ethnographic research project that will bring together anthropologists including Manuel Luna, course coordinator. Also participating are Abraham Navarro and local historian, Mariano Guillen.

Research Methodology and History, Economy and Social Life Mazarrón Mining: From 3rd to 7th November, the first part of the course focuses on two themes. Manuel Luna and Mariano Guillen will be responsible for guiding the first two points of a program that will be continued on dates to be decided in the months of November and December.

The course is held at the Cultural Center in Mazarrón 16:30 to 18:30 hours. The cost is 150€ and includes the diploma. The workshop is equipped with 5 credits ECTS.

Architecture Built Environment and Public Spaces and Private and World Agricultural and Rural Life will be the next two topics of the course. Manuel Luna, the ethnographer and anthropologist Thomas Abraham Garcia Navarro will be responsible for developing the latter part of the project.

The project for this course on the tangible and intangible heritage of Mazarrón includes conducting an inventory of goods ethnographic expanding to other symbolic descriptive records to interpretation, emphasizing its functioning, social use, environment and value representation .

The course is aimed at students in general people from all walks of life interested in learning and discovering the cultural heritage Mazarrón.

To register you need to provide the following documentation:
-Form Completed at enrollment: https://campus.ucam.edu/curso2014/preinscripcion/
-Photograph Size photo
Photocopy ID

The telephone number is: 620824922

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